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Post  dolu Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:34 pm

heya all!!

Since things seems to go very well with this our clan, I'm setting some rules, just to keep in mind the kind of clan we are building

Things we like:
- Friendly attitudes.
- Talkative and active.
- Team-work & Cooperative.
- Loyalty.
- Always willing to help clanies.

Things we dun like:
- NO hacking (including any kind of cheating)
- NO Ks'ing & Looting.
- NO Selfish & Arrogant attitudes.
- NO Begging.gif for items, upgrades.
- NO Trashtalking & Troublemakers.
- NO Porn or other Adults contents on this forum.

Sharing Rules:
-If you find high lvl items you have to keep for Clanie. Our clanie has the priority. If you dont want to give it free because you need some gold. You are allowed to sell it. But clanie have the priority...
-If someone gives you an item. You have to ask him what he wants you to do with this items when you have finished to use it. And if he tells you that he doesnt mind. You have to consider this items as something you found. You have to ask in clan if someone needs it...
We work all for making the clan stronger.

If we didnt tell you in game, you need to be lvl 85+ to make an application. All application under lvl85 ll be refused... If you have friends in clan you can try to join us at lvl 80 but your friends in clan ll have to introduce you...

How to join?

-Step1: Finish to read all this post. And go back here to see what do you have to do after.
-Step2: Create an account on this forum (clic register)
-Step3: After register an email ll be sent in your emailbox. You ll have to check it and you ll have to follow instructions inside to activate your account.
you can post an application in our forum if your account in our forum is activated. It can take few minutes to get the email activation. Wait 10 min please.
-Step4:If you dont have an email from this forum check your spambox. Email from this forum can be taken for a spam inyour emailbox. If you have still nothing after 10min then come pm "dolu" in game.
-Step5: Your account is activated. Go in recruitment section and post an application. There should be some exemples inside already.

This application should give us some infos about you. Here is what infos we need to know.



Basic Info

Nickname :




Reason why you want to join:
What was your previous clan (if any) and why did you leave?
Do you share your account? Has it always been your account?
what other chars do you have?

Optional Info




Anything else you'd like to add


After that. An admin ll transfert your application in our private section for the clan vote process. The applicant isnt able to make his own poll...

I would say, all recruiments should be posted here in forums b4 ANYONE is invited to join clan, and with a Votation system. Of course there should be some states, I mean something like:

-The application pool votation must be individual for every single applicant.
So an application is for one person
-The application will be accepted with a minimun of 10 votes YES
-The application would be denied if it accumulates 5 or more votes NO
-Each vote NO will require a reason, otherwise it wont count...
-Votation period will not be closed until it accumulate the minimun of votes required for the final desicion or until the applicant desist.
-if there are witness of the applicant have been involved in Hacking issues b4, the application will be inmidiatly denied without any chance of appeal.

If you agree you can post an application in this section.

Even if you are not able to post an application here or if your application got refused, i hope that you ll be able to find some fun with us in game ^^

Have fun.

Apotheosis 's Clan

Number of posts : 245
Age : 46
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-01-04

Class: Fighter
level: 97
XP %:
CLAN RULES, READ IT BEFORE APPLY... Left_bar_bleue65/100CLAN RULES, READ IT BEFORE APPLY... Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)


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