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Dolu Empty Dolu

Post  Kasteroth Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:50 am

I vote for dolu i know i havent been on lately ive been trying to get thigns settled on at home i am downloading pt right now and trying to get on.. I know i havent been around lately and dont know whats all going on but Like i said i vote for dolu to lead he has worked hard to get and has worked hard and put alot of time and effort as well as others. I somewhat stay away from all the clan problems and try to stay out of things just so i can have fun after all remember this is jsut a game even though to some Priston is there whole life so we all should jsut chill with the agrueing and work together and have fun..



Number of posts : 7
Registration date : 2008-01-16

Class: Fighter
level: 90
XP %:
Dolu Left_bar_bleue3/100Dolu Empty_bar_bleue  (3/100)

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