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Hi all ^^ Empty Hi all ^^

Post  dolu Tue May 06, 2008 11:28 pm

First of all I wanted to apology because I didnt give any news from me since a while. To be honest I also didnt want to log my msn because each time I m online on it ppl talk to me about EPT...

Yep I think that I lost the fun to play on EPT. XP party, SOD try, BC it can be cool but after playing this game so much time there is nothing new. Do you think its good for me to go for lvl 100? and when I ll be lvl 100 I ll hunt or continue to XP... I played EPT most for the community but many friends left the game before we made APo.

Well I dont think that the last problems we met in apo made me leaving. But with my new job I had choice to do in real life and I think it was the time to change the way I want to have fun in the Internet.
On EPT you have to "Work" to have fun. There are too many responsabilities on the same shoulders. Maybe I took it too much seriously...But if you want SOD you have to be ready everyday. If you want BC you have to work a month before if you dont have a BC clan... etc...

I have tried World or warcraft and I didnt like it at the first try. Its more difficult because there are so many quests to do. The gameplay is more difficult than EPT but I started to like it. I can come back home after work and have fun alone or with some friends on it. Something I wasnt able to do in EPT; XP solo on my fs was a nightmare...

Well I didnt tell you that to make you want to leave Pristontale too. I wanted to say that I play on WOW now and I dont think that I ll give more of my money to Yedang Online. SO I m not sure to spend my time on PT2 if it comes.. Maybe I ll try it. But I m not satisfied with the support that Admins gave me after all the time I spend and all the money I gave them. Admins on EPT gives more interrest to someone who buys an account lvl 105 than my own fighter lvl 97 I play since 2003...

Maybe I ll sell my account on EPT I m not sure atm. I ll be more online on msn so you ll be able to talk with me in live lol... And I think that I ll come on ept sometimes.
even if I was leader in Apo you can expell my fighter to make room if needed. You dont need to keep me in clan for respect or something else. Remember that its only a game...

I"ll keep in mind what we made together and I was glad to make Apotheosis with all of you. I learnt a lot about myself and about other people. I also hope that you ll stay my friends even if we dont meet in a game.

Feel free to send me an email if you come to Paris one time

Good luck Apo and good luck all of you

have fun in game and Have fun in real life.

its not a goodbye but an "aurevoir"


PS: I m still admin on forum and if you need some help on it I still can help.

Number of posts : 245
Age : 46
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-01-04

Class: Fighter
level: 97
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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  Battl3mania Wed May 07, 2008 9:45 am

GWAHHh... Dolu posting =o

Dolu hows things going hahha i wish i ever got money to Paris! xD

Keep in touch buddy!... Gl whenever u do hopes all going fine WOW was free o.0?

p/s:check ur msn plx lol!
aka MoD
aka MoD

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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  bbb Wed May 07, 2008 3:48 pm

hihi its my pity, that i've never really got chance to get to know ya lol monkey

gl on WOW. But WOW is gonna cost alot more on the mthly subs What a Face

take care out there bro Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven

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Hi all ^^ Empty The good choice

Post  Mauve Thu May 08, 2008 3:30 am

Hi Dolu,

Take the time to take the time is the real way see the time passed. Je ne sais pas toujours dire les bonnes en anglais, ce n'est pas ma langue maternelle et je ne suis pas parfaitement bilingue. Comme je m'adresse à toi, je me permet de te dire que je comprends tout à fait ton message. L'importance d'être heureux tout en ayant du plaisir est impératif dans cette vie trop chronométrée. Prendre le temps de prendre son temps est l'étape qui me permet à moi en tout cas de faire un nouveau pas. N'oublie pas d'être heureux!



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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  dolu Thu May 08, 2008 7:26 pm

Merci Michel ^^

Number of posts : 245
Age : 46
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  Guest Thu May 08, 2008 8:54 pm

hf bro my best wishes for u, gl on WOW ^^


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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  hehaaa Fri May 09, 2008 10:48 am

Just enjoy yourself, don't drag yourself into a situation that you doesn't feel comfortable with. Whereby our point of being here is to enjoy every mins of the sensation of releasing stress or having fun no matter in any games field.

Just make sure that you enjoy yourself in WoW. Perhaps come back into pt and say hi to the people who cared for you here. Take care ludo Wink


Number of posts : 24
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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  Baal Sat May 10, 2008 1:41 am

dolu wrote:its not a goodbye but an "aurevoir"

i know french AND it actually means the same ROFLMAO
but to correct the perfect translation, then i must say, that i still got hope cuz "aurevoir" means "seeya again" tongue

but i know abt all the sore conscience u feel concerning EPT: atm im just an APO-FORUM-WHORE(<--- u wish_im male LOL) cuz i got no money to repair my comp Suspect

i go i-net-shops for weeks now since my comp got broken to at least hope to convince inside APO-forum that im still there Laughing

but thinking abt urself beeing @ WOW...

u made wrong choice, dammit - at least pay for EPT2 till us APOs can join when it gets free someday smilee

u gonna be some hardcore lvl 200X FS when us lvl 10X former APO-noobs show up Shocked
Lizard Poke

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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  XDarkMagicianXD Sat May 10, 2008 9:30 am

hi dolu
good luck in WOW.
are you able to give me your msn?
I dont have it yet Sad
actually I'm playing other game now and I'm doing a break from pt,
but mabye I'll come back 1 day.
I'm playing 2moons now.
so good luck all and mabye I'll visit you sometimes in the game Smile

From guy (my real name)


Number of posts : 19
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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  iLWhipUrAs Sat May 10, 2008 9:18 pm

i played 2moons it was ok i had uber hack for it kicked ass auto lvl my char for me i forgot wa lvl i was like 50 bager or osmthing like that. and wow also zzz to much shi. you guys should check out age of connan since ya playin other games. i havnt tried it yet but my friend did and he said it kicks so much ass. check the videos of it on youtube type age of connan and type age of connan fatalities. see the dif vids they have of the game.


Number of posts : 57
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Hi all ^^ Empty Re: Hi all ^^

Post  bbb Sun May 11, 2008 8:20 am

ya check out the tons of topless woman waiting for u to save them in connan alien

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