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Problem about recuitment

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Problem about recuitment Empty Problem about recuitment

Post  dolu Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:05 am

Hi all ^^

Since I accepted Nari in clan when he was lvl 5x I met some problems in clan recruitment.
With the merge we added some members lvl 7x.
And some members asked me to let their best friends to join at 7x.

We have a problem about it and we have to decide what is the lvl req and for who. Rules will be fixed and no member ll ask about privilège for his friends.

Our member stay our member. I wont ask Nari to leave clan because of his lvl. He is in our family now.

What I think about clan recruitment:

-If our friends want to join us they have to be lvl 80+ Its not difficult to be lvl 80 with all the items you find in the game now.
-If the guy who join us isnt a good friend he has to be lvl 85+.

In case we have more active members now maybe I should up the minimum of "yes" new application needs to be accepted. I want to make it at 15 "yes" for being accepted and "7"no for refused.
But if we change the minimum you ll have to be active on this forum and check the vote system. Because for exemple there are some applications still not accepted...

If our members dont vote they have to say that they didnt vote. Because the application wont move . We wont know if its because people didnt check the forum or if people checked the forum but they didnt vote because they weren't intrrested.

Some ppl asked me to let a vote for one week because they didnt have the time to vote. Its not the solution. We need you to be active in the game and active in the forum. Its sometimes difficult to have 10 votes. And the people who made this application can decide to join another clan. 4days are long when you want to change clan. Imagine if new applicant needs to wait one week for recruitment.And during this week they wont know if they ll be accepted or refused.

Tell me what you think before I change the rules.

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Guest Tue Jan 15, 2008 4:32 pm

I must say, I've had some of the same ideas about higher min. "yes" votes - 15 seems like a good idea. Because we're so many active members in game, I think everyone ought to have the opportunity to vote and tell their opinions about the applicant. Sometimes an application gets accepted before I even see it. Yes, ofc ppl's recruitments shouldn't wait in clan too long... 15 votes could possibly change that. But for all this, we need active members on forum. And I too hope people will check forum more - maybe once a day. Just to check News and Recruitment section, you don't have to check Chit-Chat section / funny topics, whatsoever... Rolling Eyes

About min. "no" votes, I believe that 5 votes is perfect. We need to be strict in some way, we cannot invite everyone... ^^

About lvl requirement: Yep, I believe that we must be strict in this matter as well. Whether clan req. is 80+ or 85+, we need to invite characters with these lvl's only, even though they're friends.

Well, that's just my 5 cents... rabbit


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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  SerpentPriestess Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:23 pm

well i have to say that 15 yes might b hard to get, if we r having trouble getting some to 10 yes how long do u think it will b for a 15 yes vote? i am on forum atleast 3 times a day if not more, sometimes i only get on once a day if i am very busy, but i dont think that its a prob with ppl being active on forum. i think its more a thing of ppl not knowing the person and not voting.

as for the lvl i think it is ok with lvl 80 if they r a good friend and 85 if we dont know them that well, just because we still have some 7x in clan and it will give them more ppl that can help bridge them to the higher lvl's and help lvl them i think it will help bridge some gaps, but yes i think we need some higher lvl's in clan. i know we need more active lower 9x so dolu has more ppl to help bridge him to us low lvl's hehe Razz no but really i think we do need more higher lvls, but i think having ppl that can help r lvl 7x ppl get up in lvl's is also a good thing for clan. It will not only help them to lvl, but it will help with clan teamwork also i think. and we always can use help in that, even tho we work great as a team now.

maybe later on we should up the lvl's of recuitment, but atm i think 80 & 85 r good.

but thats just what i think
Bloody Knight

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  rage Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:48 pm

don't you notice that the ones that are complaining about inviting friends that are 7x are kinda inactive. Like hells, they might be on a couple times a week or bi week. I bet those 7x ppl are on everyday and will get 8x faster Wink
Ultimate Spammer

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Arkantis Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:57 pm

I agree with serp on that one. we have already problem on gathering 10 votes for members that wish to join. Think of all possible clannies that left us because it took so long to get the appropriate number of yes votes. I think that if we need to beef up our higher lvls, then we should stick to 10 yes votes. Thats what I think Very Happy

Typo King

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Problem about recuitment Empty hihi

Post  Settlers Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:13 am

sry just to check, u guys r talking abt friends, what abt real bro n sis?? Cheers....

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  SerpentPriestess Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:22 pm

Settlers wrote:sry just to check, u guys r talking abt friends, what abt real bro n sis?? Cheers....

atm it is just a discussion on what everyone thinks, but i think if i understand right it will mean for everyone who applys. bro, sis, uncle, dad, mom, son, daughter and friends, etc. but as i said i am not fully sure, but i would assume if we have a min lvl for recuitment then i dont think even family can get in, or we will have same issue. if we make a rule and bend it for some it is unfair for others, and it will cause probs.

but that is just my thinking and how i am understanding it
mb i should of let dolu answer this?! but if i am wrong i am sry dolu Smile
Bloody Knight

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Dejavu Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:31 pm

actually... considering we atm got 73 members in clan but not all of them are active or have register at the forum we should do something about this. Maybe it's cuz of different timezones or so, but there are a couple members that i never sees or hears from. I don't see them in the forum either. I would rather have a bit lower lvls ppl that are active and willing to lvl then highrank ppl just sitting there and login once a week or so.

I admit we need to have a lvl requirement for recruitting and those we have atm are not bad, but as Mads said if we can have ppl active in clan and forum maybe we can raise the yes needed to join else sometimes it will be very hard to achieve 15 votes if ppl don't know the player that is applying.
Devil bird

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Guest Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:21 pm

i think 10 "yes" votes are enough too

about the ppls lvl im agree that we need to recruit a bit higher lvl ppl like 80 or 85 no matter if they r good friends or not

well thats my opinion =D


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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  dolu Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:06 pm

DejaVu wrote:actually... considering we atm got 73 members in clan but not all of them are active or have register at the forum we should do something about this. Maybe it's cuz of different timezones or so, but there are a couple members that i never sees or hears from. I don't see them in the forum either. I would rather have a bit lower lvls ppl that are active and willing to lvl then highrank ppl just sitting there and login once a week or so.

I m "working" on it. Its easier to check the forum than check the game. But after work our member prefer logging in the game.

Well atm I m "working" on my XP. Fighter solo are very difficult to make XP. If David or Julia are not online I cant find a bridge with Max Angie etc... Thats why I think lvl 85+ is good for the clan.

Nari is one of our active member. And he lvl up fast. I was thinking to expell the member he ll pass if they dont reach the lvl 80 before him. He joined at lvl 5x. well it wa an idea...

-I ll set the recruitment at 80+ for our friend. (but they can be refused by clan member if they dont have enough friends in clan). And for other member it should be lvl 85+ and no more exception.
-I ll try to bring more member active on this forum (all of you can help me to ask to our clanie if they registered in our forum).

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Arkantis Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:27 am

ok now just wanna make sure of one thing.. there is another factor we need to keep in mind there. We need to take care of our low lvls in clan as well now since they made it through here. I think that the clan is lacking of some lvl 80-85 characters since most of our previous 80-85 members made it to 85+ and 9x for some. Im just thinking about me, serp, david etc. We were the linking characters between the 9x and the 7x. We have to take our actual 7x chars into account in ordder to not isolate them. Since we got most of our members at lvl 85+ I think we could focus on getting some low lvl 8x in order to bridge our 7x and allow them to xp as fast as they can. I know some 7x chars that would do anything to get as high as we can so we have to make some low lvl 80 chars entering in clan until they get as high as we are. Then, we could finally apply that apotheosis clan is a family and not just a clan with high lvl characters that are ready to blast everywhere while forgetting about their noobs (may sounds rude there but this could be the image reflected towards our own noob members in the clan). Just as an example, when nari will get 7x, i can guess he will love to find some party members to help him lvl up to 80 and according to what we got in clan, we are lacking of linking chars between 7x and 9x. So, i think we should accept some member between lvl 80-85 in order to fill our bridge gaps because everyone needs help to lvl up higher. I just want to point out our noobs situation because I dont want them to stop playing because we are not takin care of them. That is all i got to say.Very Happy

Typo King

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  e_devil Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:51 am

everyone got a very very long reply...Razz
i will read it one by one when i got the time Razz


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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  Battl3mania Mon Jan 21, 2008 12:00 pm

dolu wrote:Hi all ^^

Our member stay our member. I wont ask Nari to leave clan because of his lvl. He is in our family now.

What I think about clan recruitment:

-If our friends want to join us they have to be lvl 80+ Its not difficult to be lvl 80 with all the items you find in the game now.
-If the guy who join us isnt a good friend he has to be lvl 85+.

In case we have more active members now maybe I should up the minimum of "yes" new application needs to be accepted. I want to make it at 15 "yes" for being accepted and "7"no for refused.
But if we change the minimum you ll have to be active on this forum and check the vote system. Because for exemple there are some applications still not accepted...

If our members dont vote they have to say that they didnt vote. Because the application wont move . We wont know if its because people didnt check the forum or if people checked the forum but they didnt vote because they weren't intrrested.

Some ppl asked me to let a vote for one week because they didnt have the time to vote. Its not the solution. We need you to be active in the game and active in the forum. Its sometimes difficult to have 10 votes. And the people who made this application can decide to join another clan. 4days are long when you want to change clan. Imagine if new applicant needs to wait one week for recruitment.And during this week they wont know if they ll be accepted or refused.

Tell me what you think before I change the rules.

aka MoD
aka MoD

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Problem about recuitment Empty Re: Problem about recuitment

Post  e_devil Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:00 am

si kuku jam...agree also no need quote la...lmao


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