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SOD Settings ^^

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let the highest settings on SOD?

SOD Settings ^^ Vote_lcap40%SOD Settings ^^ Vote_rcap 40% 
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Total Votes : 10

SOD Settings ^^ Empty SOD Settings ^^

Post  dolu Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:38 pm

Hi all^^

The mood in the game isnt good. Because people are angry that we make a score and change settings for the lowest.
I suggest that we should let the highest settings for this week. I ll change for lowest on Monday. I dont want Xternal takes advantage of it.

People ll be happy with highest settings. And we might have more gold this week.

We have more than 50kk in clan bank. (if people who got some clan gold can give back lol...). I think our clan is able to win SOD even if another clan make a good score. We can loose it. but we can take it back. We are enough active for that.

Maybe its time to be loved in game. And it would help us for BC...

Do we really need SOD now? that doesnt mean that we give up...

Number of posts : 245
Age : 46
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue65/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Guest Fri Jan 18, 2008 12:34 am

Voted yes. This will hopefully bring more fun into SoD, as well as giving clan bank more $$$! Cool
-We need to make a niiice score though, and Apo'll be able to do that easily. (Without followers, dc's, etc... Neutral)


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Phy Fri Jan 18, 2008 3:25 pm

I voted a no.

I would prefer the way it is now.. Moderate on normal days and high on a certain day.. How much more gold can max settings reap? And its pretty risky IMO.. We might just lose it.. Better keep it get 10m+ rather than lose crown..

Just my two cents..

Number of posts : 8
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue48/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (48/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  SerpentPriestess Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:36 pm

i am still uncertain about this one....i have been weighing the pro's and con's of it. I see why dolu wants to do it, and i agree with him on that fact, but i cant help to wonder if its still not a little to early to b that risky. i am wry'd that even if we do lose sod or even if we do leave setting alone and we r able keep sod ppl will still bitch. ppl in the game always hate those on top, and we came on top fast for sod, so even if we do let sod settings alone and keep it or even lose it i think ppl will still b pissy. cuz we r a great and strong clan and i think ppl will always b jealous of that fact. plus if we want to try for bc i think it might b better to get some more gold from sod. that way we will have money for nething that might come up the day of sod. besides its not we have had sod as long as evo had, and they changed setting also. i know we could get sod back, but atm i think it is easier to just focus on lvl'n up some of the other members instead of having to focus on what day settings r low and tryin to win sod back. i think mb we should wait a little longer b4 tryin this. i know we r not just a sod or bc clan, but if we want to try for either one of them i think we might as well keep tryin to b the best at what we have gotten, and i think we should use this time to also teach alot of other members how to do sod with success. that way it isnt always the same ppl that r getting sod for us.

idk thats how i feel....i still havent voted because as i said i also understand where dolu is coming from, and i agree with that also, and we do seem to have alot of ppl following us into sod. even if we r a duo, trio. but i think also that is because they know we will go to r8 if we r in there and they just want to loot and get gold from it.

well i hope this makes sense cuz its early in the morning and my blonde brain isnt functioning so good atm LOL Razz
Bloody Knight

Number of posts : 275
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue0/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (0/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Nari Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:40 pm

I vote Yes..

Better to be loved then hated in the game..
It should be fair to all player/clans in SOD..

But thatīs jus mine opinion.. Very Happy

Number of posts : 203
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue30/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (30/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  SerpentPriestess Fri Jan 18, 2008 5:46 pm

Nari wrote:I vote Yes..

Better to be loved then hated in the game..
It should be fair to all player/clans in SOD..

But thatīs jus mine opinion.. Very Happy

well Nari the way we do settings is how most ppl do them, so it is fair. its just we r not as greedy as some and r willing to leave settings alone to give others a chance also. but who is to say the next clan will b fair, we might get stuck with a bunch of assholes who have sod Shocked lol
Bloody Knight

Number of posts : 275
Registration date : 2008-01-07

Class: Priestess
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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  dolu Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:35 pm

We won SOD because we were very active. And retro had to be very active too to keep it. And finally they couldnt manage it and left for Xternal.
If one clan take SOD crown. They have to be careful because we are able to make a score everyday. Thats why I think it would be easier for us to win it back.

In a way we worked hard to make this clan together. If other clan want to take it they ll have to work on their own clan and make it more active and more stronger. if they try to score everyday it ll be harder to keep it for us. But the challenge ll be good.
Yesterday we didnt have luck for our 1st day in SOD. Maybe today ll be better. Even if we failed yesterday we ll work on it today again. That way to manage SOD give more challenge. And I think its better for the game.

I changed my vote as "No".

Number of posts : 245
Age : 46
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-01-04

Class: Fighter
level: 97
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue65/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  math Fri Jan 18, 2008 8:11 pm

I vote ''NO'' because that was hard to make a good score yesterday...
and i don't wanna loose the SoD...

so my vote is ''NO''

Number of posts : 188
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue22/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (22/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Guest Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:23 pm

Well, Angie is saying something. But I still think one day of max settings is very little.. Ofc we need to maintain our crown, but isn't more clan sodding fun? (Even though we get tons of dc's - that's just a fase hopefully lol). Anyway.. Shouldn't we make a compromise.. Say like.. 2-3 days of max settings - 'cus we really are an active clan, and Spectra / Supernova don't really have as good tactics as us. (They can't beat our scores.. Rolling Eyes ) Well, let the democrazy decide what we'll do, but just keep in mind that "where there's will, there's victory!" Wink


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  SerpentPriestess Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:49 pm

Mads wrote:Well, Angie is saying something. But I still think one day of max settings is very little.. Ofc we need to maintain our crown, but isn't more clan sodding fun? (Even though we get tons of dc's - that's just a fase hopefully lol). Anyway.. Shouldn't we make a compromise.. Say like.. 2-3 days of max settings - 'cus we really are an active clan, and Spectra / Supernova don't really have as good tactics as us. (They can't beat our scores.. Rolling Eyes ) Well, let the democrazy decide what we'll do, but just keep in mind that "where there's will, there's victory!" Wink

well who said it could only be 1 day with max settings? and mb we should set it up with close to max settings 2 or 3 days out of the week, and keep Max setting for our day of clan SoD. cuz i think it would b good to have close to what we will have on a real SoD day for ppl to train with, so they r use to the settings, and know what to expect. As for Spectra and Supernova not having as good as tactics as us, that mb true, but they have giving us a run for our money more then once with SoD. yes we have always gotten on top when beaten by one of them, but it is getting harder and harder. mb mostly to do with dc's and followers, but i know it was sooo much easier b4 lol

And i have full faith this clan is strong enough to get SoD back if we lose it, just as i am sure most of our members already know. but i still think we should focus on training both for xp for our lower lvl members and in SoD so everyone in clan knows and understands how to SoD with success. Very Happy

well i will shut up now, i know most of u r prolly sick of hearing what i think hehe so i will crawl back into my corner and let all the others talk this topic thru....btw i think i will vote no for now cuz i realize i am more for the training of others atm in SoD and for there lvls
Bloody Knight

Number of posts : 275
Registration date : 2008-01-07

Class: Priestess
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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue0/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (0/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Guest Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:58 am

SerpentPriestess wrote:and mb we should set it up with close to max settings 2 or 3 days out of the week, and keep Max setting for our day of clan SoD.

Seems like a good idea to me. Cool
Don't crawl back into your corner, lol, you have some nice views. rabbit


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Dejavu Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:09 am

i like the way angie is seeing things. if we do a "compromise" and have higher settings 2-3 days in the week and max settings when we are doing our sod then ppl won't complain i think, but in the other hand i don't know so much ppl so i dunno... i guess dolu gets a lots of angry pm about sod
Devil bird

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  e_devil Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:47 am

Voted 'No'

bcoz,every sod crown holder will set lowest setting doesnt care Apo's,Retro's or who...
for me,lowest or highest setting..leader or vice leader ALWAYS will getting pm..

like lowest set,ppl will pm us say..this aint fair to other ppl if u guys set it in low set..
But,did we win over Retro's(when retro holding crown) in MAX setting??

like highest set,ppl who cant win over us again will say...LMAO Apo's is hacker clan...bla bla bla

so i dont think we shld changed it due to ALOT of pm's...
most of the pm i get and what i reply them is...
'Hate Not Me,Hate Your's Weakness..'



Number of posts : 67
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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Guest Mon Jan 21, 2008 5:28 am

I voted YES

Higher settings=more fun and more money for both the player and the clan Laughing


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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Battl3mania Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:30 am

i would like to help maintain SOD crown i think we all do, heres some fact before u make ur vote,

Obstacles: Highest setting 24/7
1) We need 24/7 working on SOD... No train no hunting till we get highest score...
2) Maintain good scores are not easy, the game work 24/7 we're not...
3) Sometimes player get to DC on Sod (like me) its pain in the ass...

the list can go on u help me continue the risk we might face from 4th -10th lol

On other hand:
Change setting after we get highest scores to lower...
1) We can chill out enjoy our moment in game...
2) Some bitch pms so what?
3) Gold = Apotheosis = God.... get it?

Who cares what they say cant beat us join us! wuahaha
aka MoD
aka MoD

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Dejavu Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:50 pm

lol fatboy...

i like that about "bitch pms"

does it stand for bitch pre montly syntoms? ^^
Devil bird

Number of posts : 268
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Location : Boras, Sweden
Registration date : 2008-01-07

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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue10/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  Battl3mania Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:29 pm

OH i didnt mean that one...

but some whining bitches tat is (it adress to some guy also)...

we work smart dont work hard^^;
aka MoD
aka MoD

Number of posts : 640
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SOD Settings ^^ Empty Re: SOD Settings ^^

Post  e_devil Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:58 am

does it stand for bitch pre montly syntoms? ^^[/quote]

oO LOL...


Number of posts : 67
Registration date : 2008-01-04

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SOD Settings ^^ Left_bar_bleue100/100SOD Settings ^^ Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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