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Post  iLWhipUrAs Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:39 pm

Hello clannies i was not sure where to post. So, i finally decided to post it here to see what other active clannies have to say about this. After viewing Xternal clan for about a month now and studying their BC Methods it has come to my attention that it will pointless and not be possible to take over ATM. They only recruite players that play during BC time which hardly next to never happens for most of us it isn't possible unless there is a holiday of some sort which rarly happens. Given that most of our clan members are on breaks for non determinded amount of time. So we will never be able to go at BC will FULL FORCE.
Also Xternal gives bonus for players who attend that gives players reason to attend and want to join. Not cuz of the Crown but also the Benifits that come along with having the Crown. They all receive 150-200 Mystic Mana before BC if they get there on time. What ever they dont use they keep, a salary at the end of every BC and depending on how many times they attend/long they attend and stay at BC for the whole month they recieve a Jera. They use these bonus to upgrade themselves and etc. We have a Clan Bank i dont care much about i think its pretty usless when you have people taking out loans it'll always be low.
So to get to my point since we hold the SOD crown and do not see a dime out of it. I want to propose a salary to the Winning team to get the highest score in clan. This will encourage all clannies to play SOD to score the highest and get a reward for their efforts. I'm sure ppl will hear and want to eventually join Apoth. Not only that but we will be able to train easier and Upgrade ourselves easier with out having to take out loans and relying on higher levels that can hunt for items/help. This way we can go to BC Upgraded and with Full Force when the rest of the clan becomes active. Once they all become active we can start saving to take over BC instead of having all that gold stored up not helping anyone out.


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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Knight-Crawler Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:42 pm

I second that any motivation that helps clan members become active and encoraged to play is a plus for us. This is something that I think we should all think about and possibly vote on if we have to


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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:56 pm

the only reason dolu lend me the gold was because I was playing when I was vacation overseas, and I didnt have access to two comps to get my gold. Whenever he needs it back, I will pass back to either person who needs it or back into the bank....

but as your point goes, I agree partially about how we should use our clan gold more beneficial to clan needs. But for ppl that was at there last time. It is really expensive to do an attk. LIke how dolu suggested we keep 4kk on char. well, alot of ppl used more than that just for teleporting. Not counting in the cost for the forces/invicinble scrolls/ etc. If we plan out our stragedy and fine tune how we played last time, it will be interesting. Dolu wants us to attk them and prove a point, we don't want to keep bc crown . If we had won it, the week after, we would lose it because it is really hard to keep it up due to the time differences. Will add more later on.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Knight-Crawler Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:14 pm

but thats the point that whip is making very few ppl from clan can attend bc because of timing issues so in order for us to be able to recuit other members to join and maybe have them in that time zone we should use some money that we make in sod and reward the team with the highest score you know that makes more members want to be active and want to sod so we can keep crown..its like incentive to keep playing


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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:35 pm

two points that come up......

if we recruit alot more ppl in the time-zone when bc starts..... it means that during the times, when the ppl that play in US will be dead.

why is it that most of these complaints are from less active players LOL (just messing with you) Razz

I've already suggested to dolu and will make poll to see if anyone will agree about my idea.
This is how we will make an ongoing event. To the ppl that participate in clan sod to score high. The winners (who's party name will show on pt website). At the end of the week, those names, will get commission out of the clan bank the amount we make out of that week they scored. What I'm thinking for example, (but needs to be approved by clan poll) if this week, we had 7 ppl that made highest score, and clan banked in 12kk, each person would get 1kk for that week's earning, and the rest will be left in clan bank as reserve for other rations. Figuring that you did all 4 weeks in a month, that would be 4kk more for that person. It may not be alot, but at least it's an incentive.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Knight-Crawler Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:43 pm

Ehh Maybe no one else in clan thought like us...Its just different ways to maybe inprove our clan...opininos never hurt haven't been active lately due to the fact i've had the flu but dolu knows i try to be on the most i can even i kno ur jokin rage just wanna make a point that i do know wuts goin on wit clan


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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty ...

Post  iLWhipUrAs Mon Feb 11, 2008 10:50 pm

The point is already Proven and we all know it...that is why Xternal needs to have moles and spys in our clan to keep crown. Every BC they Fear we are going to attack them so they prep for the worst. I do not see a reason to proceed to waste valuable resources on making a Futile point. Sending ppl unprepared with like 80a items when Xternal clan has 80D items +11 and 12 players that are lvl 100+ that attend every week to BC. Atleast if we had the numbers to over take them it would be great, but the truth of the matter is all our players are dorment and/or have quit. So i rather see that gold be put into some good use were it'll benifit everyone in the longer term that is active. If you really want this to be LMF last home then clan has to improve all together. If not it'll go down like all the others. Only Active players should decided what goes on Not just the leader. No one wants to waste their TIME, GOLD, and MANA SODing if they dont see anything good come out of it or get anything in return. Some people in clan could care less that we even have crown, because it makes no difference to them only that we have a crown above their char. There needs to be a reason to SOD and play not just a phantom dream of winning BC for now. We minus well wait for jesus to return and walk the pt earth to help us out.


Number of posts : 57
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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:01 pm

I know you were sick KC, while I was on vacation. I wasn't really pointing fingers at you and hobo. Hobo has two jobs now, and less time for pt, so I feel for him cuz I do two jobs too, but I just don't really like how ppl complain on clan forum, when they themselves are barely ingame to make difference. Yes I know how you feel that clan gold is just sitting there and we should put it to good use and get our players better equiped.

But this point needs to be voted by whole clan , it 's not Dolu say and that's finally.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty ....

Post  iLWhipUrAs Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:02 pm

well then we'll have two teams

First team needs to recruit ppl for BC in different time zone.
second team for SOD which seems like we are doing fine like this.

I already know who plays at what time so it doesnt matter if i cant speak to ppl in BC team. As long as they do their thing and win the crown i know my efforts in SOD funding wont go in Vain just to "Prove a Point."
We've obtained one side its time to work on the other. That way it works well all around. We have enough ppl to hold SOD crown now we need other ppl to obtain BC Crown. Once enough ppl have been added to play BC then SOD money can be used to fund BC but until then i think its best to split the earnings amongst the winning team or have all that participating players get a little cash if the winning team wants to share with others i dont mind throwing a couple hundred k to other players for helping out. That why everyone really get somthing and not a certain team wins everything.


Number of posts : 57
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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty ...

Post  iLWhipUrAs Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:12 pm

Well ppl who SOD for score to keep crown are the only ones that can vote and choose cuz i dont even want to hear from other ppl who do SOD for their own benifit and/or amusment. I do work two jobs but i squeeze in time to play i havnt been playing but i have been hunting late at night with KC to see what we find so far i've found KS Relic gaunts and KS titan armlet and crap but the stuff i gave to Knightwings. No reason for others not to spend atleast and hr to play in SOD. Maybe when this happens ppl will SOD more cuz of the 1kk or more that they dont have to npc or sell mana for.


Number of posts : 57
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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:16 pm

I think when i create the poll, the amount needed to have this idea go in effect will be 1/3 of clan members to agree.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty ..

Post  iLWhipUrAs Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:21 pm

I'm pretty sure they will all agree who doesn't love a kick back for their work and a chance to bank gold, upgrade themselves, and help out clan. Who wouldnt want that?


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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:35 pm

I have just posted ballot poll..... when you guys vote, imput comment.... if there is a vote and no comment, the vote won't count... I want to hear your input to the idea. Wink This is no right or wrong answer. Just want to hear your idea and concerns.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  dolu Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:31 am

Glad to see opinion on the forum thank you guys ^^

The Idea about SOD gold was to keep all for our BC attack.
But we have 90KK now And I thought it was stupid to let this gold sleeping.

So I helped some members with our clan gold. I gave 5KK to mable and she paid me back. I gave 2kk to skeezer and he paid me back. I gave 45kk to Rage and he ll pay me back. I gave 10kk to Danny and he ll give me back...
This gold can help clanie to find help to get an items. So it was a start. But I agree about the fact that Its maybe not enough.

Also some people are very good for SOD and some members aren't. First its because of the class and second its because of the build. So some pple cant join our SOD because they know that they aren't good. And they know it. But they helped us on giving me murky force and mana. Also I used some clan gold to buy the mana our members needed to make the score. SOD still give some gold when you try... And more if I give mana and murky... But I would prefer if all clanie find their own mana.

So I think its a bit unfair to give the gold to our SOD team. Because some people worked hard before to make the try. We didnt have luck because we had followers and some other clans pay people to follow us in room. So when our active members work on SOD they can fail sometimes or some weeks. SO they wont have the money?

SOD is a clan work and I think its a good idea to give back some benefits. But the benefits for me has to go to the whole clan or the active members who worked for SOD. That's why we made a clan event yesterday 9pmGMT+1. we made a little clan event after posting here on the forum in our event section. We voted about the day and we made it. I gave some gift to the members who joined us. We couldnt make this event if we didnt have clan gold from SOD.

And I agreed about the fact that its not a very good idea to attack BC at the moment. But what kind of clan we want? A clan for BC or a clan for fun together? SOD is a challenge and we can give some benefits back as I already started...

Maybe I have to give the mana and the murkyforce before ppl go in SOD. lets talk about it...

PS: I was thinking to make event for other players in the game as a commercial... but maybe I m wrong...

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Tue Feb 12, 2008 2:01 am

I guess I have to clear things up a bit. This new clan event , if it is approved, is not favoring any players strong or weak. It's a hope that everyone tries, for example, if we go into a room and sneak a 7th person in, ( I will pick a weak class) was a prs to join sod. No matter if she/he scored 10k, 15k, etc. And their room was highest score for week. What our event would do is, prize those 7 players for a job well done. Even if party was 5 or 6, the point of this contest is that clanmate has contributed in our efforts in help keeping crown. I'm not trying to say that person will make 4kk every month. I would hope that every week was different person that won. It's an encouragement, not a which char is better soding bashing contest. I will also add, if clanmate wanted to use another clanmates char to sod, it will be allowed. As long as we know who is playing who it is acceptable. I will add more if and when questions come up.
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Therius Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:30 pm

I'm too lasy to read all what u guys are saying but if you are saying there's no chance to take over BC then I think you are wrong SOD/BC and GOLD Spank

Head Cutter

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  osore Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:04 pm

lol no one said that Luis :p
we just aint ready now^^

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Battl3mania Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:15 pm

i have things to say... okie go ahead ;p

should we put up a chart to ruled out how things work for SOD event?

Dont care whos who trying sod during the days...
1) Whoever comes 1st recruit pt thats ready for SOD (forces & mana selfprovide) just make sure ur ready...
2) Put the 7th or 8th person on queue... which we need if 1 of the pt member out of sources (mana/force/rp)...
Or If theres enough members to form 2nd SODing party... go ahead to other room compete ur ass out among urself lol.
3) list goes on u name it if theres any...

But in this case we need 100%fair game for all, so whats it gonna be(highes setting 24/7)?
If so be prepared and conscious, if theres any day any moment we met 5-6 Xguys online (high lvl peeps) that is,
and they in a mood to try SOD, imagine +10 80d/100spears + tornado lv5 x 5peeps = we might be doomed...
aka MoD
aka MoD

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:23 pm

please read new postings b4 spamming old ones -_____-

I feel like I wanna demote your post rankings you pervy whore
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Battl3mania Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:25 pm

i already read still i can post its unlock u nub!
aka MoD
aka MoD

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Battl3mania Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:29 pm

next time post this link...


close topic plx!
aka MoD
aka MoD

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:01 pm

you like your new ranking jamz LOL
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Battl3mania Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:13 pm

aka MoD
aka MoD

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  rage Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:15 pm

you're welcome ^^
Ultimate Spammer

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SOD/BC and GOLD Empty Re: SOD/BC and GOLD

Post  Battl3mania Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:21 pm

SOD/BC and GOLD 2008-211
hate to say this but ur kinda right very unlucky nub
aka MoD
aka MoD

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