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Ark's last dance with APO clan

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Arkantis Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:20 am

Hello everyone,
Since I am really bad at "fancy" writing, I will go straight to the point. I took a tough decision lately. I decided to leave APO for good. The main reasons that made me take that decision are simple.

1- I have quite a busy real life atm and the idea of forcing people to be active for different reasons really pisses me off cauz i get all kind of shit because of it. Yes, I am vice in apo clan and i have to add people but some asses are in here are still wondering why I wasnt active lately. As if my whole life should be dedicated to an online game. Looks like the price to pay to keep having a life outside pt is too huge to pay for me. Im not goin into details here but thats all i will say on here.

2- All the inside bullshit i got from inside members made me lose my fun in playin pt. Once the fun is dead while playing, there is not much left to stay in a clan where you are not happy about. In other words I AM UNHAPPY IN APO. (just wanted to focus there.)

Basicly, these are the two reasons i decided to leave. I reconsidered the question over and over before making the move and now i think its time for me to go on something else. Future cant tell if you will notice me on alpha anytime soon. To conclude, even with that part of unhappy moments i had, I want to say that I was proud to be a member in apo clan because it allowed me the opportunity to meet new friends and have fun with them.

My regards to dolu and cie.
Arkantis (Max for close friends)

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  SerpentPriestess Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:38 am

i will post this here, cuz i dont see the point to make a new topic. I will follow max out of apo. i'll rejoin serp into my own clan. i dont feel right to stay in a clan where max brought me into and him b gone, plus i'll spend some time to lvl some of my noobs up. I dont have the time to b as active as i was on game.

I'll miss u all very much, and hope to still party with u. If u need me for nething u can find me on msn or leave a pm here on forum for me, i'll get back to u ^^

take care all i'll miss u guys and girls alot,

serpentpriestes (angie)
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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Dejavu Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:23 am

Sad to read that you two have left apo.

From my point of wiew I don't see why the leader or the vice have to be online 24/7. If a new member wanna join and he/she have had the patience to wait the (eventuall 4 days) and for the voting then I don't the the problem of waiting a couple extra hours for the leader or the vice to get online. People do got a life beside PT. People that complains about that leader or vice ain't on ask yourself this. Are you online 24/7? Can u really say that you will be availble to go online whenever you are needed even if it's in the middle of the night or you are spending time with your family? If you say yes then go get yourself a life. PT isn't all.

We play to have fun, destress and to relax. If ppl feels stress and pressure over being online then it will ended they stop playing. Can you say you will feel good if you make other people sad or depressed?
Devil bird

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Nari Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:36 am

NOOO ANGIE and MAX this brings a sad felling to my heart.. cryin

Feels like this clan is falling apart..

What has happened it used to be fun to logg on and everyone was happy in the clan but
now first Mable and now Max and Angie are leaving the clan..
WHY is SOD so damn important or that our leader and vice must be online 24/7 if we will follow this road I think
more people will leave the clan..

MAX and ANGIE I will miss you A LOT..

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  krazed167 Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:13 pm

why do people blame it on the clan??? been on all month and havent seen ark once.. Sorry to see you go but only met you once^ and this might sound rude .. zbut ur quitting due to lack of time/wanting to play.. Please THIS is what tears apart clans.. There is nothing wrong with apo its just ur time to quit.


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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Mads Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:37 pm

I'm sorry to hear that. Sad Never really had the chance to get to know you guys, but I hope we'll keep chatting in PT parties. Smile GL with your real lifes! pirat

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Battl3mania Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:40 pm

i will stay in apot my loyalty to this clan and what ever falls appart i would still an apot...
which for me mable/angie/max u guys still my friends and once my comrades, ill never forget that.

Here i wish u both the best and the best of all goodluck to u guys in game and irl.

Like i miss behave that day, dolu had some words with me in clan chat...
I lose it and i f*ck the ata from spectra and everyone who tried to calm me down lol.

i felt sorry for dolu and he had to send me emails apologize for nothing he did wrong.
they thought i was gonna leave but nah its my bad and i have to apolagize instead.

guys sometimes we need to get away and calmdown, we should be righteous and wise abt our action,
do not hesitate to talk and solve the problems cuz we all care and we can fixed it if we care.

bro jamz
aka MoD
aka MoD

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  SerpentPriestess Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:51 pm

i just want to let u all know i'll still help all i can with apo. I cant do clan sod, but i nvr was good at that except to dc lol Although i did get better at staying in with out dc's thx to julia praying for me ^^ those pt gods really love her. mb one day when i have more time in my life i'll apply to come back to apo. but atm i just have to much irl to do and take care of. Those that r really close to me know what i mean there. I'll miss apo alot and when i am on i hope we can still party. I will always have my loyalties with apo, and i hope that i can still help all of u if u ever need a noob prs lol Until i have more time to put into the game serpie will sleep in my clan JAGON.

Farewell, I'll miss u all alot Crying or Very sad
Bloody Knight

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Guest Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:09 pm

hmmmm....Max why didnt u tell dolu u didnt want to be vice since u didnt have enough time to play, instead of leaving the clan?????

anyway, goodbye guys i hope we can have fun again in pt even if we are not in the same clan Very Happy


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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Max

Post  woepsiedoepsie Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:54 pm

Hmm, think i respect your choice Sad , because being vice of a clan that grows as fast as apo did isnt always easy.
But have to say there are always selutions for problems you talkt about.
Leaving this way isnt fun for you bro. Evil or Very Mad You helpt also to build this clan, so ty for that.
For the invite problem?
Should have told dolu earlier that making a mulle and give 5-6 players the pasw and id.
That way no1 would have askt why you where not on in the first place.

What i also mean is. This game is fun , but we need to make it easy for ourselves.
Or else we burn ourselves to our addiction a bit. Twisted Evil

This clan is ok, really bro, i have seen a lott off clans and this 1 isnt bad at all and i dont mean power or the strongest.
I mean, players are a good mix of fanatic and older and younger players.

I gonna miss you because i think you added a lott in game when you where online.
Always fun,crazy talk, and yes even getting players active for forum exetera.

Just take a break bro and dicide later. No1 will say your stupid because your real life comes first.
At least i wont Rolling Eyes

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  Baal Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:14 am

GL & HF , man !!!

i hope u dont look back too much in anger smilie2

gonna miss u but hope 2 c u soon again assured
Lizard Poke

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty Re: Ark's last dance with APO clan

Post  rage Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:21 am

woepsiedoepsie wrote:
Should have told dolu earlier that making a mulle and give 5-6 players the pasw and id.
That way no1 would have askt why you where not on in the first place

HAHA papa woep...... I had make this comment about mule vice along time ago when Devil was not able to help ingame..... Sad
Ultimate Spammer

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Ark's last dance with APO clan Empty lol

Post  woepsiedoepsie Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:30 am

Yeah, and who the f*** am i anyway to tell other people what to do. clown

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